No Choice In Quitting: The Blackpill is Just an Excuse to Stay Weak. Or, Why Weakness is a Choice

The world today is full of weak people with pathetic excuses for being soft. They endlessly hesitate, second-guess themselves, and tell you to relax — all in some passive aggressive way to bring you down to the world of mediocrity. Strength, whether physical or mental, reminds weak people of how soft they really, truly are. The discipline you have exposes their excuses for what they truly are.

This isn’t aimed at loved ones, like your partner, mother, or friends, but rather those who may not practice what they preach when it comes to health and fitness.

I mean the small, and petty people out there green eyed with envy. They are always very annoying to deal with, and absolutely love making life unpleasant. I am referring almost exclusively to the type of people who know nothing about anything, but yet have opinions on everything. They are only too eager to endlessly yap about how to workout, how to make money, how to eat, how to have relationships, and so forth. They are only too willing to give you unsolicited advice on how to run your entire life. Yet look at how they run their own lives. They’ve contributed nothing of meaning to the world, or the world of others. And nor have they accomplished anything personally noteworthy. Most of them are just physically unremarkable mid-wits (105-110 IQ range) with miserable lives. They won’t even go down in history for total failures because they are even mediocre at that.

Everybody in today’s world has a victim mentality, or slave mindset. I am tired of hearing about somebody’s sob story. Frankly, I don’t care. It’s no excuse for being an asshole. We live in an age where daily numerous excuses are made by assholes on the account of some sob story. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions, and so forth. Quite frankly there aren’t enough hours in a day to tolerate all the assholes in the world. Therefore, you have my permission to be intolerant towards them.

The same bullshit pathetic excuses get repeated by these absolute bottom dwellers online called “incels”. It’s my genetics. It’s my height. It’s my face. I don’t have looks. I don’t have money. That is because the blackpill is just an excuse to be weak. Complaining about unfairness is a loser mentality.

Sitting in the dark all day crying about how life is rigged against you, all because of your genetics, is beyond pathetic and lazy. You’ve given up before trying on the account of someone else’s failure and misery online bringing you down. It is akin to a first time boxer stepping into the ring against a skilled opponent, and quitting immediately without even trying, or getting knocked down. Just a loser mindset based on giving up. You say everything is cope, or scam. The gym is cope. Looksmaxing, and even plastic surgery is now coping. Working is coping. College, or university is coping.

I understand most of you are beyond saving, but the few that are reading and willing to listen, and here’s how to fix this:

  • Stop being a pussy and blaming genetics, women, society, Jews, whites, immigrants, etc.
  • Understand that genetics or physical appearance are not the main causes of your social failures. Feeling that you are fundamentally unattractive or inferior to others is.
  • Learn to interact with others, especially, but not exclusively: women. In particular, the ones you are attracted to not just physically, but connect with on a deeper level. Stop avoiding social situations, or dating.
  • It’s easy to feel disconnected from people who are in relationships, or having regular sex if you aren’t. However, everyone goes through periods of loneliness, and involuntary celibacy.
  • Strengthening both body and mind can counteract the belief that appearance is fixed. And the key focus would be following a fitness routine that includes weight lifting, cardiovascular work, and diet management.
  • Set achievable short-term goals and celebrate victories. Start by focusing on areas where you have control, like improving fitness.
  • Practice improving your emotional resilience and relationship-building skills.Gradually build social connections. Practice talking to strangers in public.
  • Set concrete career and financial goals. You might already be doing this, but consistency and ongoing effort will help combat the belief that career prospects are out of reach.
  • Make that shift from external validation to internal strength.

Nobody is coming to save you. And nobody cares if you win, or lose so get up, and go harder every single day, or accept being another nameless failure in the crowd. Blaming genetics and making excuses only crybabies do.

I prefer handling things on my own and I find more strength in solitude, I am far, far more capable or at peace when not dependent on others.

I am someone who chooses solitude, and values independence. I prefer to operate alone rather than rely on others. I thrive in environments where I don’t need validation from others. Usually I have a clear vision or mission and prefer to pursue it alone, even if it means missing out on social opportunities. I’d prefer a small group of like minded individuals or no social group at all.

You want balance? Enjoy your little life of comfort and mediocrity. But don’t look at me like I’m crazy when I refuse to settle for average, while, you clock out at 5 pm and think you worked hard. You get tired after an hour in the gym, and think that’s enough. You tell yourself you deserve to relax: you don’t. You didn’t earn anything you live soft because the world let’s you, but if everything collapsed tomorrow you wouldn’t last a day.

The other readers here, you don’t ask why you already know. You don’t cry about how hard it is you just go every day every hour no motivation needed no validation required you wake up and put in the work because thats what men do.

There is no choice, there is no retreat, and there is no mercy…because when the dust settles, when the weak have fallen away, and when the cowards have made their excuses, the only ones left standing are the ones who refused to stop…and that’s gonna be me…

Fairness Has No Place in Fitness

Being shredded, ripped, or jacked isn’t about fairness nor diversity, inclusion, or equality. Muscular hypertrophy does not magically occur out of fairness. 455 lbs of weight on the bar does not care about if you had it rough, or deserve a break. It’s not about what’s fair. Being strong, both mentally and physically, is about hard work. Not from your high sense of self entitlement. You’re entitled to nothing. Only what you have earned.

Those who are in shape didn’t get there by waiting for someone to give them the blueprint. They got there by taking the time, the pain, the sacrifice. They earned it. And so must you. There are no free rides. There is no fairness. There is only hard work.

You want a body like a warrior? A body like a champion? Then stop whining and start doing. Understand that the path to greatness is paved with sweat, pain, and sacrifice. There are no shortcuts. There’s no one coming to save you. It’s just you. So, make the decision now. Stop sitting around and start training.

The results will come. But only if you’re willing to do what it takes. Stop waiting for fairness. Start earning your strength.