7 Ultra-Toxic Masculine Habits To Build

A truly self actualized, and successful man worth admiring will always be known for his independence, his freedom, and his unshakeable confidence in himself. This ability of emotional control, self reliance, and self mastery came from years of focus upon personal transformation along with numerous personal experiences of overcoming the adversity of individual suffering. As a result, they are natural leaders, and naturally dominate. They never take orders, when they give orders they are followed, and when someone tries to force them to play a rigged game they either walk, or beat the other side at their own rigged game. These leadership positions are never sought out, but they are a natural benefit of being a real man. The good, the bad, and the ugly opinions of people about them never mattered, because external validation was never the goal.

Here are seven of the best habits to form early on to evolve into this type of man, the toxic and ultra masculine motherfucker who men envy, and drives women mad:

  1. Cultivate Indifference: become indifferent, and stoic to praise, or insults. A truly great man would never base his happiness, nor self worth on the validation, support, or approval of others. Especially strangers online, or women offline.
  2. Silence: you’ll never get in shit for saying too little. You will for saying too much. Talking isn’t doing. Someone who talks big, but never does is always seen as a bullshitter. Keep your plans to yourself, move in silence, and let the results speak for themselves. Cultivate a calm, inner power that emanates confidence without needing to boast or draw attention.
  3. Pursue Self-Excellence: you should always pursue the goal of self mastery, and self excellence via trials, ordeals, applied study, and identifying your weak points mentally, physically, and spiritually. Don’t cry about being weak in an area, below average in an area, and so forth. Work on it 3x a week with focused relentless intensity.
  4. Train Hard & Eat Clean: needs no explanation. Everyone respects a powerful physique.
  5. Always Be Prepared: in the military, we had a saying: pack light and be cold at night. Sometimes you can just freestyle shit. But everybody needs a plan, and goals. And you have to be prepared to be flexible, but strict. They say planning for failure is planning to fail, but the opposite must be true in that case. Planning for success, is planning to succeed. Plans need to be put into actual action with measurable incremental however small results. And along that way be prepared. You can freestyle it without a plan, but if you aren’t prepared to carry it out or adapt to situations as they pop up then you’re fucked.
  6. Keep A Journal: ideally you want to keep track of your successes, and failures in all areas of life. To see what works, and what doesn’t work. And to be able to understand your own mental, and emotional state better as well. Keep a log of your progress, and notes on the subjects you are studying. Write about your experiences. And this is the one safe space where you can vent, rant, complain, and let it all out. Nobody besides you sees this journal.
  7. Experience Life: have many diverse, willed and controlled experiences. This is where genuine self learning starts. Spend two to six years of your life gaining as much experience in it as possible. Travel, read, workout, study, and most of all DO. Push your boundaries, explore your passions, and master your own mind.

In summary, toxic masculinity is to thrive on independence, emotional discipline, and mental resilience. To prioritize personal development, isolation when needed, and strategic action, often influencing others without seeking attention or authority.

You’ll be envied…admired…and most of all: your own man.

Why The Modern System Is Slavery

The system we have in place today, is not more free, not more fair, and nor is anyone less enslaved. We all wake up early, go to a job we resent for 8-12 hours of our day — including the time it takes to get ready, travel, and eat as well as normal life stuff, and we live for the weekend. Drowning ourselves in debt, and paying our taxes. Watching as prices increase, and the one step forward and two steps back shit like increasing minimum wage. Increase minimum wage and prices increase, along with rent, and cost of living in general.

This isn’t by accident, but by design. The system is designed to keep you broke, voiceless or silenced, living paycheck to paycheck, paying off a car or house you can’t afford and don’t own, and providing endless mindless hours of entertainment to keep us dull. Alcohol, and porn use of course go along with these as socially acceptable ways to escape reality. Sometimes weed, or pills.

However, if you can make it to the point where you don’t need a job to survive,  then you’ve escaped. The prerequisites for this usually means: cutting expenses, cutting luxuries, avoiding debt, being relentless, and being smarter than anyone else.

The politically correct totalitarian nanny police states of Europe, Canada, America, etc. want you trapped in a cycle of working just to survive. It’s tied to making you live paycheck to paycheck, be in debt, and reliant on a job or government benefits to survive. The real goal isn’t being rich, nor even well off financially. The real blood behind the world is money. And when you can make enough money that you don’t need a job, and you invest it to make more money, then you are thinking smart. Because the real goal is to exit the matrix, not play by the system’s rules in a rigged game where it pays to imagine yourself being oppressed to get ahead.

With enough money, and independence you don’t need to work long hours until you’re exhausted making someone else rich. Instead you work long hours making yourself rich.

Side hustles, freelancing, online businesses, investments, and real estate are all genuine ways to make money independently. And they generate a steady income outside of having a job. On top of this, you should have more than one income stream. Diversify.

Before, you can walk you need to crawl. And you crawl by saving money, and investing that saved money into making more money. Number one is to avoid debt and if you’re in debt to get out of debt as quickly as possible. If this means declaring bankruptcy then do so. Secondly, cut expenses. No unnecessary purchases, luxury items, vacations, and so forth until your money is situated. Prioritize independence over short-term comfort.

When you don’t need a job, you control your time, choices, and future. The system loses its grip when you own your income and obligations. You no longer chase validation because you are building for yourself, and not for today but for all time. And most importantly, being free gives you the option to walk away from something anytime.

Until next time, let’s go outside and earn that fuck you money….

No Excuses: Every Struggle Is a Choice, and So Is Overcoming It

Every battle I’ve fought has made me stronger. No excuses, just resilience….

I’ve overcome drug addiction, prison, abuse, trauma, harassment, bullying, obesity, being skinny-fat, losing a career, countless failed relationships, and falling into the incel/Blackpill mindset. I’ve survived domestic abuse and been involved in extremist groups and ideologies. I’ve battled bipolar disorder, attempted suicide, and overdosed—flatlining and coming back. 

I’ve broken free from the incel/Blackpill mentality and the trap of internet addiction. 

I’ve endured extreme poverty and hunger. 

I’ve been doxxed, publicly humiliated, and impersonated online. 

I dropped out of university, was unemployed, and stuck living at home. Despite having no mechanical skills, I still earned honors in a trade program. 

I’ve climbed out of debt, been cheated on, ghosted repeatedly, backstabbed, and manipulated by the people I trusted most. 

Everybody’s got a sob story these days, and mine is no different—it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I lived through it, fought through it, and came out stronger. I don’t just preach my philosophy—I live it. 

Using drugs is a choice. Watching porn is a choice. Binge eating garbage is a choice. Being lazy is a choice. Being alone is a choice. Being bored is a choice. Quitting is a choice. You can say no to all of it.