7 Ultra-Toxic Masculine Habits To Build

A truly self actualized, and successful man worth admiring will always be known for his independence, his freedom, and his unshakeable confidence in himself. This ability of emotional control, self reliance, and self mastery came from years of focus upon personal transformation along with numerous personal experiences of overcoming the adversity of individual suffering. As a result, they are natural leaders, and naturally dominate. They never take orders, when they give orders they are followed, and when someone tries to force them to play a rigged game they either walk, or beat the other side at their own rigged game. These leadership positions are never sought out, but they are a natural benefit of being a real man. The good, the bad, and the ugly opinions of people about them never mattered, because external validation was never the goal.

Here are seven of the best habits to form early on to evolve into this type of man, the toxic and ultra masculine motherfucker who men envy, and drives women mad:

  1. Cultivate Indifference: become indifferent, and stoic to praise, or insults. A truly great man would never base his happiness, nor self worth on the validation, support, or approval of others. Especially strangers online, or women offline.
  2. Silence: you’ll never get in shit for saying too little. You will for saying too much. Talking isn’t doing. Someone who talks big, but never does is always seen as a bullshitter. Keep your plans to yourself, move in silence, and let the results speak for themselves. Cultivate a calm, inner power that emanates confidence without needing to boast or draw attention.
  3. Pursue Self-Excellence: you should always pursue the goal of self mastery, and self excellence via trials, ordeals, applied study, and identifying your weak points mentally, physically, and spiritually. Don’t cry about being weak in an area, below average in an area, and so forth. Work on it 3x a week with focused relentless intensity.
  4. Train Hard & Eat Clean: needs no explanation. Everyone respects a powerful physique.
  5. Always Be Prepared: in the military, we had a saying: pack light and be cold at night. Sometimes you can just freestyle shit. But everybody needs a plan, and goals. And you have to be prepared to be flexible, but strict. They say planning for failure is planning to fail, but the opposite must be true in that case. Planning for success, is planning to succeed. Plans need to be put into actual action with measurable incremental however small results. And along that way be prepared. You can freestyle it without a plan, but if you aren’t prepared to carry it out or adapt to situations as they pop up then you’re fucked.
  6. Keep A Journal: ideally you want to keep track of your successes, and failures in all areas of life. To see what works, and what doesn’t work. And to be able to understand your own mental, and emotional state better as well. Keep a log of your progress, and notes on the subjects you are studying. Write about your experiences. And this is the one safe space where you can vent, rant, complain, and let it all out. Nobody besides you sees this journal.
  7. Experience Life: have many diverse, willed and controlled experiences. This is where genuine self learning starts. Spend two to six years of your life gaining as much experience in it as possible. Travel, read, workout, study, and most of all DO. Push your boundaries, explore your passions, and master your own mind.

In summary, toxic masculinity is to thrive on independence, emotional discipline, and mental resilience. To prioritize personal development, isolation when needed, and strategic action, often influencing others without seeking attention or authority.

You’ll be envied…admired…and most of all: your own man.

The Left Hates Freedom

I’ve noticed as an apolitical character that follows no ideology, no religion, and no political system that in today’s polarized clown world most leftists hate freedom of thought, and speech. While the right wing is pro free speech and independent thought. Even in situations where they disagree it’s usually the right winger being the bigger person, and allowing individual thought to exist. Liberals, and leftists don’t want freedom nor individuality to exist.

The left totally controls academia, tech, news, and the entertainment industry. Hence, to the leftist every man, or woman out there is by default a leftist to them. They are part of their herd, and they conform as they are instructed too. If you don’t speak up, they assume you’re part of the herd.

Nowadays, most right wing or centrist people just want to be allowed to think for themselves, and voice their own opinion. Increasingly, this is illegal to do in most Western countries such as Canada, and the UK. And socially, it’s akin to committing suicide. To be right wing is to be seen as fundamentally bad, a terrorist or extremist, stupid, and intolerant. The left is about forcing their beliefs on others by law, threats, harassment, violence, doxxing, and so forth. The right just wants the right to exist and think for themselves. The ability to disagree with something without losing their job, or doing prison time like in Canada or the UK.

Leftists, and liberals need to constantly virtue signal, and force their beliefs on others. If you’re not constantly signaling your allegiance, they assume you’re against them. Silence = opposition in their eyes. Which means you’re a Nazi, and this means you should be dead, in prison, tortured, or other things Communists like Stalin and Pol Pot have done. Freedom is something dangerously fascist to the leftist.

Right wing views get deplatformed, banned, or punished, so many stay quiet to avoid getting canceled or losing their income. That’s in a country like America. In a country like the UK, Canada or an EU based country it’s prison time, fines, being monitored by counterintelligence, questioned by police, and so forth. Many on the left believe their views are “educated” and that anyone who doesn’t parrot them must be ignorant. They don’t consider that people reject their ideas because they’ve thought them through and found them lacking. Therefore, they cannot risk losing power, and therefore right wingers are rotting in jail or homeless if they speak up.

Silence is just neutrality. To a leftist this is the same as watching entire genocides unfold and doing nothing. Neutrality is on the same level as fascism to them. If you don’t support their endless causes, parrot their values, or give them money then you are just as guilty as Adolf Hitler. Basically, they force you to fight their battles, like a Vietnam war draft, and punish you if not. Eventually, silence will lead to prison time as well here in Canada.

I don’t have to support every cause you throw at me. I believe in the freedom of thought (soon illegal worldwide) if you’re trying to force me into an ideological box, you’re the one oppressing freedom. The truth is, diversity of thought is key to progress. If you want a mindless echo chamber, go ahead, but don’t drag me down with you.

Instead of offering legitimate solutions, they try to shut down debate by throwing around words like privilege and oppression. It’s a blanket excuse to reject anything or anyone that inconveniences their lies and propaganda. Racist, homophobe, nazi, and so forth are other lazy smears.

Leftist soyboy: but the media and experts say we’re right, so you must listen…..

So? The media is paid to push narratives, not truth. They’ve been proven wrong time and time again. The experts you hold up as gods are often corrupt, biased, or self-serving. My judgment isn’t swayed by corporate-backed lies or public opinion. I’ll never follow the herd…

Majority opinion isn’t a guarantee of truth. In fact, history is full of examples where the majority was dead wrong. The majority once thought the Earth was flat. They burned witches at the stake. Being in the majority just means more people are brainwashed, not that you’re correct.

Your idea of “freedom” is pushing people to conform to your twisted version of morality, where any dissent is a punishable crime. I’m not going to bend my will to your cult because you’re uncomfortable with free thought.

If you need to label anything you disagree with as “hate speech” to shut it down, it’s because your arguments are too weak to stand on their own. Don’t throw the “hate” card unless you’re prepared to defend your ideas with logic and evidence.

You don’t want equality; you want mediocrity backed by the endless might of countries like America. You want to drag everyone down to lower than the lowest common denominator and demand that we accept it as “fair.” True equality comes from merit, not government control. Stop pretending you’re for fairness when you’re just for power. A strong person will cause the weaker people to rise with them and become stronger. That is superior to any version of equality you sell. You want to make the strong, weak, so the weak can become strong, and weld power. You do so via pity.

The leftist agenda is to create an atmosphere where only one type of thinking is acceptable, and they label anything else as dangerous or fascist. They rely on emotional manipulation and victimhood to control you. If you want true freedom, you must defy the narrative, reject their authoritarianism, and stop letting them shut down real discourse by labeling you as “wrong” for thinking outside the box. True freedom of thought means freedom to challenge, freedom to dissent, and most importantly: freedom to question authority without facing prison time, or modern day social exile.

Your leftist witch hunt for Nazis is comparable to any other historical witch hunt. And instead of stopping or fighting Nazis, you became the same monsters as you said the Nazis were. Totalitarian, authoritarian, anti intellectual, violent, and racist even for hating white people as a whole group based on race.

You want to improve yourself as a leftist? Let go of that mental illness first…

Lifestyle, Fitness, Dating, and Money Redpills For Young Guys 18-21 From Your “Older Brother”: Iron Resilience…


Hey guys, and maybe girls?, it’s Jon from Iron Resilience here, and I have to piss off some people some more to bring them back to reality. You see a lot of people think they got it all figured out, but they really don’t. Fortunately, if you’re young, but not dumb, I can save you some pain in the future. Here is a list of some redpills I wish I learned earlier in life. So here I am, the older brother you never had, to teach you some secrets that are not only obvious, but basically axiomatic.

Fitness Redpills

  1. You cannot out train, out roid, out supplement, or basically see the same level of results you will from a bad diet vs a good, and healthy balanced diet. That means no saturated fat, no refined sugars, and natural sugars in moderation. No binge eating. Fuel your body the right way, and the gains will follow.
  2. Real winners in fitness have patience, discipline, and only compare themselves to their past self. They are visualizing, and thinking positively about the future long term results. But more importantly they are working towards them. See consistent habits get results even when you only have 10-15 minutes. That goes for everything. A 25 minute workout isn’t as good as a 45 minute one, but it’s better than no workout. I don’t care about your excuses, or feelings: if you’re lazy or entitled you don’t deserve to succeed.
  3. Stick to the boring, but tried, proven, and tested methods. Compound lifts, calorie and macro tracking, and just focus on mastering the basics. Form, progressive overload, calorie deficit to lose weight and surplus to gain it. Everything else will fall into place.
  4. Less talking, more doing. Social media is flooded with people who just want attention, not solutions…
  5. Keep putting in work, respect others who put in the same amount of work, or more work, don’t judge newbies, and don’t focus on what others are doing or look like. Ignore the naysayers, the haters, the fatbrahs, stupid people, and pretty much every fitness influencer (except me).

Financial Redpills

  1. Never let anyone know how much you make, how much you spend, and how much you have saved. Success breeds envy. And anybody with a lot of money will be liberated from said money by anyone without money who is a parasite. People who don’t have any money to pay you back with, and break their promise to pay you back, are broke for a reason, and therefore bum for a reason. They need someone with money to spare to leech off. Therefore, from now on you’re broke — whether you are or not is irrelevant: if you are broke then you can’t afford to send people money for nothing, and if you aren’t broke you soon will be if you give money out like a charity.
  2. Bringing us to the second redpill: never give, or lend money to friends, strangers, or anyone outside of your immediate blood family. Unless you are okay with the possibility of taking a financial L and never being paid back. Cause c’mon we are friends right? Do me a favor….and then you’re in the boat they are in: broke. Except they are smart enough to not lend money…you weren’t.
  3. Stop wasting your time because time equals money. Learn skills, start a website, and treat your time as money. If you don’t work, then you don’t get paid. Simple as. That goes for even wageslavery. If you work a 40 hour job, then dedicate an additional 15-20 hours to becoming self employed, or financially stable. And if you can’t do either of these then study, or practice a skill or talent you can monetize. If you have no job, no talents, no hobbies, and no way at all to make money, then the first step is to become someone hirable, skilled, and with experience in life and with work. In short, use your free time to create different income streams, side gigs, freelancing, networking, practicing a skill, or learning more about it. Time is valuable, and time cannot be bought back.
  4. Don’t wait for opportunities, create them. You don’t need anyone’s permission to start an online business. If you haven’t started one yet then you’re behind.
  5. Real wealth comes from steady work and long-term vision. Your hustle is what builds the empire, not one lucky opportunity.

Dating Redpills

  1. No woman wants a broke, lazy, needy, insecure, and friendless man. Get your life together before worrying about women. You don’t need to be rich, you don’t need to be handsome, and you don’t need to even be tall. You do need to get your shit together, be well grounded, and stable mentally.
  2. Women want a man with options, and to have options you need to be in the top 20%. Again if you aren’t there yet, then don’t even think about dating, or hook ups. Use it as fuel to level up, because you can either cry about it or get stronger.
  3. Women respect strength, self-control, and your ability to lead.
  4. Say less than necessary.
  5. When she walks away from you, let her go, ghost her, forget her, and move on. Lesson learned. No hard feelings necessary. It’s just part of the game. Get used to rejection in general.

Lifestyle Redpills

  1. No one cares about your sob story. Everyone’s got one. I got one. You got one. We all got one. It’s fine to have one, until it becomes your self identity. And your entire life is based around being a victim, tragedies, what ought to be but isn’t, and so forth. Life’s not fair, but that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to anything cause you had it rough. Trust me, people could give a shit about it. I was that guy.
  2. Never make impulsive decisions made on emotion, or without all the facts. Learn to rely on a mixture of instincts, intuition, a feel for the vibe itself, and take whatever amount of time you can to make a decision. Any decision you make should primarily benefit you, from a rational standpoint of ethical selfishness, and that allocates for a controlled amount of healthy risk. Although sometimes you have think faster than you should, and you have to make some pretty permanent unfavorable decisions either way. In either case always be flexible, but firm.
  3. Motivation is bullshit. Discipline, resilience, relentlessness, and habits that have become second nature takes precedence. Motivation comes and goes. Discipline shows up rain or shine.
  4. Most people are just biding their time, avoiding discomfort, and looking for easy ways out. Outwork them and leave them behind.
  5. If you want to succeed, you’ll have to fight tooth and nail for it, and no one will applaud you for doing it. The world rewards results, not struggles. A warrior’s deadliest weapon is his, or her mind.

In Sum

Stop looking for validation and start building your empire. The universe is vast, cold, and indifferent to your existence. You are entitled to jack, and shit in life — and jack just left town. With these tips kept in mind, maybe it’ll give you that extra boost you need to figure out the rest for yourself, and that’s something learned from the struggle itself. Unwilling to struggle? Unwilling to grow and learn.

Thanks for reading, until next time….


Why The Modern System Is Slavery

The system we have in place today, is not more free, not more fair, and nor is anyone less enslaved. We all wake up early, go to a job we resent for 8-12 hours of our day — including the time it takes to get ready, travel, and eat as well as normal life stuff, and we live for the weekend. Drowning ourselves in debt, and paying our taxes. Watching as prices increase, and the one step forward and two steps back shit like increasing minimum wage. Increase minimum wage and prices increase, along with rent, and cost of living in general.

This isn’t by accident, but by design. The system is designed to keep you broke, voiceless or silenced, living paycheck to paycheck, paying off a car or house you can’t afford and don’t own, and providing endless mindless hours of entertainment to keep us dull. Alcohol, and porn use of course go along with these as socially acceptable ways to escape reality. Sometimes weed, or pills.

However, if you can make it to the point where you don’t need a job to survive,  then you’ve escaped. The prerequisites for this usually means: cutting expenses, cutting luxuries, avoiding debt, being relentless, and being smarter than anyone else.

The politically correct totalitarian nanny police states of Europe, Canada, America, etc. want you trapped in a cycle of working just to survive. It’s tied to making you live paycheck to paycheck, be in debt, and reliant on a job or government benefits to survive. The real goal isn’t being rich, nor even well off financially. The real blood behind the world is money. And when you can make enough money that you don’t need a job, and you invest it to make more money, then you are thinking smart. Because the real goal is to exit the matrix, not play by the system’s rules in a rigged game where it pays to imagine yourself being oppressed to get ahead.

With enough money, and independence you don’t need to work long hours until you’re exhausted making someone else rich. Instead you work long hours making yourself rich.

Side hustles, freelancing, online businesses, investments, and real estate are all genuine ways to make money independently. And they generate a steady income outside of having a job. On top of this, you should have more than one income stream. Diversify.

Before, you can walk you need to crawl. And you crawl by saving money, and investing that saved money into making more money. Number one is to avoid debt and if you’re in debt to get out of debt as quickly as possible. If this means declaring bankruptcy then do so. Secondly, cut expenses. No unnecessary purchases, luxury items, vacations, and so forth until your money is situated. Prioritize independence over short-term comfort.

When you don’t need a job, you control your time, choices, and future. The system loses its grip when you own your income and obligations. You no longer chase validation because you are building for yourself, and not for today but for all time. And most importantly, being free gives you the option to walk away from something anytime.

Until next time, let’s go outside and earn that fuck you money….

The Slave Diet vs the Master Diet

The modern Western diet is high in carbs from sugar, syrups, and other junk food. And it is also high in unhealthy fats from seed oils, fast food, and processed meats. It is also very low in protein. The foods that most people eat are nutrient poor, high calorie, and designed to be overeaten. This leads to obesity which can lead to heart problems, and diabetes.

Historically, a high protein diet was reserved for aristocrats, warriors, and royalty. The ruling caste prioritized meat, While slaves and peasants were fed grains and scraps to keep them functional but not thriving. Those who control their diet and prioritize real food stay stronger, leaner, and sharper.

Real elites should be defined by strength, wisdom, and merit, not by how many generations of their family hoarded wealth through usury, monopolies, and backroom deals.

So if you want to be a real elite, then eat like one. Prioritize meat, dairy, eggs, seafood, and having a diet high in protein, but maintaining a calorie deficit to stay lean. That is key.

Until next time dear readers….diet is key…

How To Never Be Bored Again

There was a time in the not too distant past where boredom was a luxury only afforded to the wealthy, or aristocratic caste. Our ancestors lives were entirely based upon survival, action and movement. But today thanks to modern technology, and our modern comforts in life we almost all have endless comfort. We all get to eat until full, and beyond. And we don’t have to worry much about our safety. That goes for the average person. Not the impoverished, or otherwise unfortunate. Yet the modern weak, and soft people all reliant on pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, weed, and technology like smart phones are more miserable, and bored than ever.

– You don’t have to hunt for food—it’s at the store. 
– You don’t have to build shelter—it’s pre-made for you. 
– You don’t have to walk miles—you sit in a car. 
– You don’t even have to talk to people—you scroll on a screen. 

People fill their lives with meaningless surrogate activities, consumerism/materialism, intoxication, and mindless hedonism then wonder why they are miserable, or bored. Because the struggle is gone. Man without struggle is man without purpose.

If you want to break free from boredom, depression, and anxiety, you have to live like an ancient, and primitive warrior. You have to bring struggle back into your life, and be a modern Spartan. Not artificial struggle: real struggle. The kind that makes you feel alive, and that life is worth living. Facing death if that’s what it takes.

– Build something with your hands. 
– Write something with your mind. 
– Train your body into something powerful. 

Don’t sit around all day like the average lazy fat ass with a beer, and a bag of Cheetos complaining that you got it so hard. Mindlessly consuming streaming services, video games, porn, and social media. All the while fueling such sessions with processed fats, or refined sugar.

Consumption breeds passivity. Passivity breeds boredom. Boredom breeds misery.

Porn, weed, booze, social media, video games—they’re designed to keep you weak and complacent. The more you consume, the more you rot. Cut it down, and then cut it out.

What do you have to fight for? What are you working toward? If the answer is nothing, then no wonder you’re miserable. Set goals that require effort. Train for something. Compete. Work toward mastery.

Depression and anxiety thrive on inaction. You think too much, so you do too little. The cure? Do more, think less.

– Instead of worrying about the gym, go lift. 
– Instead of debating your future, take action now. 
– Instead of waiting for motivation, just start. 

From now on:

– Walk 20,000 steps a day. 
– Lift heavy things. 
– Get outside in the sun and fresh air, or talk to/socialize with regular human beings — offline, no screen.

Boredom, depression, and anxiety are nothing more than diseases of luxury, and too much comfort. They are what happen when life is too easy. The cure is simple: Make life hard again.

Get strong. Get moving. Get uncomfortable.

You were not born to sit around and suffer in silence.

You were born to conquer.

Now go and do it.

Advice For Late Bloomers In Their 30s

I’mYou hit your 30s, and life isn’t what you thought it would be. No marriage. No dream house. No kids. Just you.

And most days, you’re fine with it. You wake up, grind, push forward. But then there are the quiet moments. The late-night scrolling, watching people you grew up with hit milestones you haven’t. Engagement announcements. Baby pictures. New houses.

And suddenly, that creeping thought comes in—was I supposed to have it all figured out by now?

Here’s the truth: No.

Life doesn’t follow a script. The timelines they sold you as a kid? Lies. Society tells you to graduate, get a job, get married, buy a house, and have kids by a certain age. But who made those rules? Who said success is measured by checking off boxes?

The people who look like they have it all? Many of them are miserable. The big house comes with a mortgage that keeps them up at night. The marriage is a performance for Instagram. The kids are a stress they weren’t ready for. The job they thought would bring happiness is just a cage with a paycheck.

But you? You are free. You have time. You have options. You are not locked into a life you secretly hate just because you thought you were “supposed” to have it by now.

This is your time to build. To grow. To forge a path that actually makes you happy, not one that makes you look successful on paper. The only timeline that matters is yours.

So stop comparing. Stop doubting. Stop letting society’s expectations get in your head. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Why Looks Don’t Matter

A lot of guys think they have it all figured out. And here I mean the incel/trucel/Blackpilled crowd that think it’s all about looks. Primarily, they think women only care about face, height, and money. They think women only want tall, muscular, handsome men. They convince themselves that if they don’t look like a male model they’ll never get a girlfriend, or even a date. But the truth? Women do not care about looks, or money much for long-term relationships.

I have seen firsthand that beautiful women do go for guys who are poor, unattractive, or both. Or even just regular normal guys with normal jobs. Fat, bald, short, broke, or whatever else. It really does not matter. Women are more drawn to confidence, humor, and personality. In reality, a lot of women are too insecure to date a highly attractive man. Or feel like they wouldn’t stand a chance to begin with. Therefore, there’s more of an advantage as an average, or below average man. The moment you start believing in yourself and stop caring what people think, everything changes.

If you want a shallow, vapid, and promiscuous woman from tinder, or the bar/club, then primarily you are going to need looks, and money. As well as a higher status career, or job. If you want to meet a woman to be your future wife, then none of that will matter to her.

A lot of women are uncomfortable with random guys approaching them (nor do they have casual sex with strangers), especially in places where they don’t expect it. If you want to meet women, be in the right place and put yourself in the mix.

– Work in an environment with lots of women while keeping your masculinity intact (security, military, healthcare, etc.). 
– Play guitar, be a DJ, or take up a role that naturally draws women to you. 
– Wear clothes that fit well and give off a strong, put-together presence. (A well-fitted dress shirt and tie, or a sharp gym outfit, can do wonders.) 
– If you just want hookups, put yourself in situations where those kinds of interactions happen naturally—clubs, concerts, parties, etc. 

The key takeaway is you only need one good woman to like you….

You will never need a hundred women to like you. You just need one good one. And the best way to find her is to stop trying so hard, stop overthinking, and just enjoy your life. The moment you stop chasing and start living with confidence and purpose, you’ll notice something crazy: suddenly, women will start noticing you.

You don’t need to be a perfect guy: rich, cool, and handsome. You just need to be real.

Discipline, Not Genetics
[[email protected]]
[Insta/X/YT: @IronResilience91]

No Choice In Quitting: The Blackpill is Just an Excuse to Stay Weak. Or, Why Weakness is a Choice

The world today is full of weak people with pathetic excuses for being soft. They endlessly hesitate, second-guess themselves, and tell you to relax — all in some passive aggressive way to bring you down to the world of mediocrity. Strength, whether physical or mental, reminds weak people of how soft they really, truly are. The discipline you have exposes their excuses for what they truly are.

This isn’t aimed at loved ones, like your partner, mother, or friends, but rather those who may not practice what they preach when it comes to health and fitness.

I mean the small, and petty people out there green eyed with envy. They are always very annoying to deal with, and absolutely love making life unpleasant. I am referring almost exclusively to the type of people who know nothing about anything, but yet have opinions on everything. They are only too eager to endlessly yap about how to workout, how to make money, how to eat, how to have relationships, and so forth. They are only too willing to give you unsolicited advice on how to run your entire life. Yet look at how they run their own lives. They’ve contributed nothing of meaning to the world, or the world of others. And nor have they accomplished anything personally noteworthy. Most of them are just physically unremarkable mid-wits (105-110 IQ range) with miserable lives. They won’t even go down in history for total failures because they are even mediocre at that.

Everybody in today’s world has a victim mentality, or slave mindset. I am tired of hearing about somebody’s sob story. Frankly, I don’t care. It’s no excuse for being an asshole. We live in an age where daily numerous excuses are made by assholes on the account of some sob story. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions, and so forth. Quite frankly there aren’t enough hours in a day to tolerate all the assholes in the world. Therefore, you have my permission to be intolerant towards them.

The same bullshit pathetic excuses get repeated by these absolute bottom dwellers online called “incels”. It’s my genetics. It’s my height. It’s my face. I don’t have looks. I don’t have money. That is because the blackpill is just an excuse to be weak. Complaining about unfairness is a loser mentality.

Sitting in the dark all day crying about how life is rigged against you, all because of your genetics, is beyond pathetic and lazy. You’ve given up before trying on the account of someone else’s failure and misery online bringing you down. It is akin to a first time boxer stepping into the ring against a skilled opponent, and quitting immediately without even trying, or getting knocked down. Just a loser mindset based on giving up. You say everything is cope, or scam. The gym is cope. Looksmaxing, and even plastic surgery is now coping. Working is coping. College, or university is coping.

I understand most of you are beyond saving, but the few that are reading and willing to listen, and here’s how to fix this:

  • Stop being a pussy and blaming genetics, women, society, Jews, whites, immigrants, etc.
  • Understand that genetics or physical appearance are not the main causes of your social failures. Feeling that you are fundamentally unattractive or inferior to others is.
  • Learn to interact with others, especially, but not exclusively: women. In particular, the ones you are attracted to not just physically, but connect with on a deeper level. Stop avoiding social situations, or dating.
  • It’s easy to feel disconnected from people who are in relationships, or having regular sex if you aren’t. However, everyone goes through periods of loneliness, and involuntary celibacy.
  • Strengthening both body and mind can counteract the belief that appearance is fixed. And the key focus would be following a fitness routine that includes weight lifting, cardiovascular work, and diet management.
  • Set achievable short-term goals and celebrate victories. Start by focusing on areas where you have control, like improving fitness.
  • Practice improving your emotional resilience and relationship-building skills.Gradually build social connections. Practice talking to strangers in public.
  • Set concrete career and financial goals. You might already be doing this, but consistency and ongoing effort will help combat the belief that career prospects are out of reach.
  • Make that shift from external validation to internal strength.

Nobody is coming to save you. And nobody cares if you win, or lose so get up, and go harder every single day, or accept being another nameless failure in the crowd. Blaming genetics and making excuses only crybabies do.

I prefer handling things on my own and I find more strength in solitude, I am far, far more capable or at peace when not dependent on others.

I am someone who chooses solitude, and values independence. I prefer to operate alone rather than rely on others. I thrive in environments where I don’t need validation from others. Usually I have a clear vision or mission and prefer to pursue it alone, even if it means missing out on social opportunities. I’d prefer a small group of like minded individuals or no social group at all.

You want balance? Enjoy your little life of comfort and mediocrity. But don’t look at me like I’m crazy when I refuse to settle for average, while, you clock out at 5 pm and think you worked hard. You get tired after an hour in the gym, and think that’s enough. You tell yourself you deserve to relax: you don’t. You didn’t earn anything you live soft because the world let’s you, but if everything collapsed tomorrow you wouldn’t last a day.

The other readers here, you don’t ask why you already know. You don’t cry about how hard it is you just go every day every hour no motivation needed no validation required you wake up and put in the work because thats what men do.

There is no choice, there is no retreat, and there is no mercy…because when the dust settles, when the weak have fallen away, and when the cowards have made their excuses, the only ones left standing are the ones who refused to stop…and that’s gonna be me…

A Blueprint for Resilience

1 – Make No Excuses

A lot of great people didn’t come from money, or status. Quite a few were born as common people. With no money, no connections, and had just sheer grit. Don’t waste time blaming your circumstances. No matter how unfair things are your consistency will speak louder than your background ever will.

2 – Climb The Ranks

Never wait around for handouts. Climb the ranks by putting in the work, and always out working everybody else around you. Hard work will always trump lazy talent. Today, we are stuck in a system that hands more power to rich old men and rewards mediocrity; however, your job will be to break through. If you want something, earn it. Put in the work every single day. 99% of anything is simply showing up when no one else will or has. Results come from discipline, not luck, so learn to depend on internal validation not external rewards.

Always ask remember two things:

  • Keep the relentless mindset. Do, or die. Never surrender.
  • Keep the desire burning to climb ahead. Will to power.

3 – Adapt, or Get Left Behind

Always be like water. Water adapts and takes the shape of anything it’s poured into. But given enough time and force it can destroy even mountains.

The world is never static, and the game is constantly changing. Homeostasis is not the norm it’s the exception in this world.

Don’t play by the rules, but always keep things stable in your life.

Our politicians are stuck in old-school thinking. The world changes, but some refuse to adapt. If you don’t innovate, you’ll get crushed. Reinvent yourself, or stay irrelevant.

Look at athletes or MMA fighters switching up training camps, politicians changing their platforms, or bodybuilders constantly evolving their routines. They know that if you stand still, you get left behind. The same goes for you. If you are unwilling to adapt, then prepare to be just spinning your wheels. Keep your car in park and the world will leave you in the dust zooming by in a suped up sportscar.

4 – Leadership Is Never About Power

No leader who has been admired through history built an empire solely by flexing power. Leadership isn’t about being flashy, but about structure and stability for the common man following you. If you want to lead, then leave your ego at the door. Show up every day and deliver, lead by example.

True leadership is not about making a spectacle of yourself or exerting power for the sake of control. You can rule by fear, or rule by love. It is always about building trust, creating stability, and leading by example. That will make people love you, and you don’t need to inspire fear or make displays of ego.

Great leaders throughout history, whether they were military figures, political leaders, or entrepreneurs earned respect and love by being consistent, reliable, and focused on the needs of the people they led. They understood that the foundation of any empire, organization, or movement was grounded in structure, responsibility, and the everyday actions that maintained it.

Leaving ego at the door is key here. It’s about serving those you’re leading, not elevating yourself above them. The best leaders make others feel like they matter and provide a clear path forward, not through grand gestures, but through discipline, consistency, and vision.

5 – True Strength is in Detachment

What is the greatest power move you can make? Walking away from power when you don’t need it anymore. True power isn’t addicted to more power for its own sake. Know when to step back, enjoy, and let go. Not many people have forever held on to status, fame, wealth, and power. Besides all those things are temporary and peripheral.

True strength is knowing when to let go. Take control of your own life, and never get trapped by ego. Never get stuck in the past or obsessed with fame or status. Let go when it’s time, and make room for growth.

6 – The Real Fight Is Internal

If you want to make it to the top, then your greatest opponent, or challenger will be yourself. The only competition you have in life is the man, or woman staring back at you in the mirror. Whatever you are setting your sights on in life, the battle is always about pushing past (and breaking) limits and getting used to being very uncomfortable. Every time you feel like quitting, or giving up that’s when you have to go even further and work even harder and dig even deeper. Pain is weakness leaving the body. Your worst enemy in life is always yourself.

This isn’t about some wake up call. Life is tough. The world is a clown show circus right now. You’ve got the power, skills, knowledge, and wisdom needed to be somebody better than that. Don’t wait for tomorrow, but get after it today.

7 – Make Your Own Opportunities

Quit waiting for someone to hand you something like you deserve it, and are entitled to it. Did I wake up in shape by random chance one morning? Obviously not.

Today is the day that you’re going to stop waiting for someone to give you a job, some girl to give you a shot, and to join the gym. You need to create your own opportunities. You can’t be the guy waiting for that phone call or knock to happen. You have to be the guy making the calls and doing the knocking. With opportunity, you have to build things, grind for things and take them on the chin when they come or capture them don’t let them slip you by.

The system is rigged and life isn’t fair, but complaining about it never fixed anything. Neither did self destructive behaviors out of seeking pity or attention. Create your own path in life, and take whatever you can get that comes your way. And turn all the bad events into opportunities to create good events.

Tough Love & Final Thoughts

Let’s get real. Life isn’t going to hand you anything for free. Whatever you earn in life is earned through blood and tears and sweat. Not through handouts. Maybe some people get to have a weak and soft easy life but those people aren’t as fortunate. They don’t get to turn themselves into gold from lead. We do. Stay hungry. Stay relentless.

Discipline, Not Genetics