How To Never Be Bored Again

There was a time in the not too distant past where boredom was a luxury only afforded to the wealthy, or aristocratic caste. Our ancestors lives were entirely based upon survival, action and movement. But today thanks to modern technology, and our modern comforts in life we almost all have endless comfort. We all get to eat until full, and beyond. And we don’t have to worry much about our safety. That goes for the average person. Not the impoverished, or otherwise unfortunate. Yet the modern weak, and soft people all reliant on pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, weed, and technology like smart phones are more miserable, and bored than ever.

– You don’t have to hunt for food—it’s at the store. 
– You don’t have to build shelter—it’s pre-made for you. 
– You don’t have to walk miles—you sit in a car. 
– You don’t even have to talk to people—you scroll on a screen. 

People fill their lives with meaningless surrogate activities, consumerism/materialism, intoxication, and mindless hedonism then wonder why they are miserable, or bored. Because the struggle is gone. Man without struggle is man without purpose.

If you want to break free from boredom, depression, and anxiety, you have to live like an ancient, and primitive warrior. You have to bring struggle back into your life, and be a modern Spartan. Not artificial struggle: real struggle. The kind that makes you feel alive, and that life is worth living. Facing death if that’s what it takes.

– Build something with your hands. 
– Write something with your mind. 
– Train your body into something powerful. 

Don’t sit around all day like the average lazy fat ass with a beer, and a bag of Cheetos complaining that you got it so hard. Mindlessly consuming streaming services, video games, porn, and social media. All the while fueling such sessions with processed fats, or refined sugar.

Consumption breeds passivity. Passivity breeds boredom. Boredom breeds misery.

Porn, weed, booze, social media, video games—they’re designed to keep you weak and complacent. The more you consume, the more you rot. Cut it down, and then cut it out.

What do you have to fight for? What are you working toward? If the answer is nothing, then no wonder you’re miserable. Set goals that require effort. Train for something. Compete. Work toward mastery.

Depression and anxiety thrive on inaction. You think too much, so you do too little. The cure? Do more, think less.

– Instead of worrying about the gym, go lift. 
– Instead of debating your future, take action now. 
– Instead of waiting for motivation, just start. 

From now on:

– Walk 20,000 steps a day. 
– Lift heavy things. 
– Get outside in the sun and fresh air, or talk to/socialize with regular human beings — offline, no screen.

Boredom, depression, and anxiety are nothing more than diseases of luxury, and too much comfort. They are what happen when life is too easy. The cure is simple: Make life hard again.

Get strong. Get moving. Get uncomfortable.

You were not born to sit around and suffer in silence.

You were born to conquer.

Now go and do it.

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