The Slave Diet vs the Master Diet

The modern Western diet is high in carbs from sugar, syrups, and other junk food. And it is also high in unhealthy fats from seed oils, fast food, and processed meats. It is also very low in protein. The foods that most people eat are nutrient poor, high calorie, and designed to be overeaten. This leads to obesity which can lead to heart problems, and diabetes.

Historically, a high protein diet was reserved for aristocrats, warriors, and royalty. The ruling caste prioritized meat, While slaves and peasants were fed grains and scraps to keep them functional but not thriving. Those who control their diet and prioritize real food stay stronger, leaner, and sharper.

Real elites should be defined by strength, wisdom, and merit, not by how many generations of their family hoarded wealth through usury, monopolies, and backroom deals.

So if you want to be a real elite, then eat like one. Prioritize meat, dairy, eggs, seafood, and having a diet high in protein, but maintaining a calorie deficit to stay lean. That is key.

Until next time dear readers….diet is key…

Protein Powder Is Just A Tool

Powder’s not evil, but leaning on it as your main protein source is a loser move.

Protein powder drama has been heating up online I noticed. The amount of ignorance about protein powder never ceases to amaze me. Everyone’s got an opinion about protein powder that they preach like the holy gospel. Let’s cut the bullshit: whole food protein (not plant or vegan sources): meat, eggs, dairy — is better than whey powder every single time. It’s not even a fair fight. You get micronutrients and real satisfaction for your hunger. Coaches shoving it down your throat over real food? They’re either clueless or pocketing cash from some supplement brand. It’s for guys too lazy to grill a steak or crack an egg. Wake up.

Protein powder is a supplement, and that’s basically it. It’s meant to supplement what you don’t get enough of due to diet, or time constraints. Some days I’m running hard, and I don’t hit my protein with food alone. So I scoop some powder, mix it, drink it, move on. Doesn’t mean I’m building my meals around it like some rookie who can’t figure out a grocery store. The idea that you need it to win at lifting or life is a myth sold by guys with shaker bottles and bad tattoos. Most supplements don’t do jack anyway….

Sure, powder’s convenient. Toss it in a bag, drink it at the gym, whatever. But convenient doesn’t mean better. It’s a crutch, not a crown. If your gut hates it, you get bloated or gas from chugging shakes: man (or woman) up and eat real food.

You don’t need a PhD to figure it out. Eat meat, lift heavy, grow strong. Powder’s a tool, not a lifestyle. Pick one that doesn’t suck, use it when you’re short, and stop crying about it. I keep a tub around because I’m not perfect…yet.

If you can’t get your protein from a plate, fine, chug some shakes. Just never once kid yourself into thinking it’s some secret sauce. It’s not. Never will be. Eat like a man, not a marketing victim.

Discipline, Not Genetics.