No Excuses: Every Struggle Is a Choice, and So Is Overcoming It

Every battle I’ve fought has made me stronger. No excuses, just resilience….

I’ve overcome drug addiction, prison, abuse, trauma, harassment, bullying, obesity, being skinny-fat, losing a career, countless failed relationships, and falling into the incel/Blackpill mindset. I’ve survived domestic abuse and been involved in extremist groups and ideologies. I’ve battled bipolar disorder, attempted suicide, and overdosed—flatlining and coming back. 

I’ve broken free from the incel/Blackpill mentality and the trap of internet addiction. 

I’ve endured extreme poverty and hunger. 

I’ve been doxxed, publicly humiliated, and impersonated online. 

I dropped out of university, was unemployed, and stuck living at home. Despite having no mechanical skills, I still earned honors in a trade program. 

I’ve climbed out of debt, been cheated on, ghosted repeatedly, backstabbed, and manipulated by the people I trusted most. 

Everybody’s got a sob story these days, and mine is no different—it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I lived through it, fought through it, and came out stronger. I don’t just preach my philosophy—I live it. 

Using drugs is a choice. Watching porn is a choice. Binge eating garbage is a choice. Being lazy is a choice. Being alone is a choice. Being bored is a choice. Quitting is a choice. You can say no to all of it.

Four Hard Lessons From Life That Build Mental Toughness

Pity is Weakness

I have learned sometimes in life there are people who lack physical strength or the capacity to exert physical force against you as a means of control. Therefore they sell you a sob story to bring you down to their level and then use that as a way to prey upon or exploit you. A manipulation tactic of weak people who have no other way to gain control. And when we pity them they don’t usually hold us in high regard for doing so. It reminds them of their own unfortunate situations. Which sadly are bleak.

Misery loves company, and therefore you should avoid miserable people. Lest they make you miserable. When we pity ourselves we become trapped in the victim mentality.

No one respects an overgrown crybaby always sobbing and boo hooing about their problems in life. It’s a sign of disrespect to yourself and is disrespectful to others. Not only that but it is socially off-putting to people. And ruins relationships and prevents any new ones or close ones from forming.

People respect winners not losers. Nobody is going to have respect for a loser begging for a trophy he or she didn’t earn.

Happiness Isn’t Life’s Purpose

The purpose of life isn’t to be happy. In fact objectively life has no purpose besides the subjective meaning you give it. In life you cannot be a free agent chasing the phantasma of what reality ought to be or the reality you are told to accept. Instead focus on what you can control and accept everything that you cannot. Be formless and adaptable to the chaotic energy of the universe and reverse problems into opportunities.

Never Tie Happiness To People

A lot of relationships will be temporary. A lot of them will be bad. And a lot of the bad ones can be long term or life long if you let it. Therefore realise the beauty in impermanence and always when to walk away.

A lot of people will think that their own value is determined by being in a relationship and what that person in that relationship thinks about them. They are held back by the fear and uncertainty of not knowing whether or not without this person they’ll find love, affection, comfort or that spark they had. The truth is your value is determined by the amount of self worth you give yourself. And this negative self talk and doubt about being able to find a suitable spouse or partner is simply holding you back in that area.

The cycle of doubt and negative self talk keeps you in the wrong relationship which is the very thing holding you back from finding the right one.

Know your value.

Imitation or Duplication is Mutilation

You never want to meet your heroes in life anyways as then you find out they aren’t that great or heroic. Someone who is just a regular person like yourself who had a combination of natural talent and hard work then made the right sort of connections and a bit of luck and dedication making it out of a bad situation and into a rather fortunate or elite level figurehead of power is an inspiring tale to many. It motivates even the most uninspired and lazy to take action. And the unimaginative to try to be special forces operators, fitness influencers or the next Andrew Tate.

Greater men than me have said it far better and even they knew they were standing on shoulders of giants themselves. That was indeed their secret. Along with something most people don’t have not even the gifted or talented who often burnout and quit or get lazy and quit. That is they forge their own individual path in life based on their own individual judgement as the authority. Not by copying or emulating someone more successful who has often embellished about themselves and kept the humiliating failures or embarrassments in their life hidden. Usually you can do this by keeping your mouth shut about your private life online and keeping your clothes on online.

Do you want to be the Walmart Great Value Brand Andrew Tate just screaming at a phone camera about how great you are and how rich you are and how everybody else is fat and stupid besides you? All of course so you can sell some plagiarized or bullshit mindset coaching for an obvious cash grab.

That isn’t how Andrew Tate did it. He did it simply by hustling street style online. By the time he made all that lifestyle coaching stuff then he had his money already so he could work his alpha male gimmick. He already had fame and infamy he could use and leverage. Himself now exposed as a cash grab and associated with organized crime and human trafficking/pimping.

He didn’t do it by copying the online persona he created to sell scams and bullshit courses and coaching to naive young men online. Well educated but without means or opportunity to get a decent career. Seeing perhaps a glimmer of hope in being an influencer or alpha male coach. Those with daddy’s money at their disposal fail dismally and much to the amused laughter of your humble author.

Never copy another man or wanna be another man in life. If you don’t wanna be you then become a version of you that you do want to be. If you’re young and don’t know who that is then yes pick a suitable mentor or role model. But not some asshole online you don’t know who’s hungry for money and has the morality of a used cars salesman.

Never try to be another man. Period. Full stop.