Why Looks Don’t Matter

A lot of guys think they have it all figured out. And here I mean the incel/trucel/Blackpilled crowd that think it’s all about looks. Primarily, they think women only care about face, height, and money. They think women only want tall, muscular, handsome men. They convince themselves that if they don’t look like a male model they’ll never get a girlfriend, or even a date. But the truth? Women do not care about looks, or money much for long-term relationships.

I have seen firsthand that beautiful women do go for guys who are poor, unattractive, or both. Or even just regular normal guys with normal jobs. Fat, bald, short, broke, or whatever else. It really does not matter. Women are more drawn to confidence, humor, and personality. In reality, a lot of women are too insecure to date a highly attractive man. Or feel like they wouldn’t stand a chance to begin with. Therefore, there’s more of an advantage as an average, or below average man. The moment you start believing in yourself and stop caring what people think, everything changes.

If you want a shallow, vapid, and promiscuous woman from tinder, or the bar/club, then primarily you are going to need looks, and money. As well as a higher status career, or job. If you want to meet a woman to be your future wife, then none of that will matter to her.

A lot of women are uncomfortable with random guys approaching them (nor do they have casual sex with strangers), especially in places where they don’t expect it. If you want to meet women, be in the right place and put yourself in the mix.

– Work in an environment with lots of women while keeping your masculinity intact (security, military, healthcare, etc.). 
– Play guitar, be a DJ, or take up a role that naturally draws women to you. 
– Wear clothes that fit well and give off a strong, put-together presence. (A well-fitted dress shirt and tie, or a sharp gym outfit, can do wonders.) 
– If you just want hookups, put yourself in situations where those kinds of interactions happen naturally—clubs, concerts, parties, etc. 

The key takeaway is you only need one good woman to like you….

You will never need a hundred women to like you. You just need one good one. And the best way to find her is to stop trying so hard, stop overthinking, and just enjoy your life. The moment you stop chasing and start living with confidence and purpose, you’ll notice something crazy: suddenly, women will start noticing you.

You don’t need to be a perfect guy: rich, cool, and handsome. You just need to be real.

Discipline, Not Genetics
[[email protected]]
[Insta/X/YT: @IronResilience91]

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